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Special Offer - Strength Training Program For Women

Special Offer - Strength Training Plan

Sculpt a competitors body in the shortest time possible!  

Valued at $638, FOR ONLY $79!

This offer will only be available for a limited time. 
After that, the Workout Plans For Women will go back to normal pricing!!



Know exactly what to do every time you workout!  To help you achieve your own fit body, you will be strength training 5 times per week ( 45-60 mins per workout) with full body workouts that will push your body to the limit and to get totally shredded while building lean, defined muscle… with a special emphasis on abs and glutes.  Depending on your specific needs, you can follow the standard cardio plan or a more aggressive cardio schedule that will shred body fat more quickly.


My goal with nutrition is to set your metabolism on fire and get it working for your body... instead of against you.  If you have ever felt like you have a slow metabolism this plan will make a huge difference!  Nutrition and clean eating can feel overwhelming, so I work to make  healthy nutrition straight forward and easy to understand. You will learn how to calculate the calories you need each day and how to incorporate the right foods into your daily nutrition plan. Every 2 weeks you will evaluate your progress and make changes to your overall calories based on how your body is responding.
My 8 week workout plan includes nutrition guidelines with the best macro nutrient breakdown for building lean, tight, defined muscle while getting tighter all over.


Once your training and nutrition are in great places, then supplements can make all the difference.  With this workout plan the goal is to balance muscle building with shredding, I line out supplements that will be the most helpful.  Don't waste your time and money on supplements and protein powder that you don't need!


With all of my FITBODY Workout Plans for Women, you will see some pretty incredible changes and we are going to document those with each step.  Every 2 weeks you will be taking physical measurements and photos so that you can see the changes side by side.  You will also complete the FITBODY Fit Test to show changes in some key measures of health and fitness.  Strength, flexibility, cardio endurance... all of the things a woman needs to be healthy and fit on the inside too!

My Strength Training Program is the perfect no nonsense guide to weight training and nutrition... it will help you achieve an amazing fit body in the shortest time possible.  If you are ready to put in the hard work and to change your body and your life, this is the program for you!

When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $638!





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